August 18th - 1 Year Anniversary (Rt Knee)

Shortly after Christmas he was able to literally walk up onto the couch, which was something that he simply couldn't do before. He had always needed help w/ his backside, or would need to get a running start. We were amazed at how strong his legs were for him to 'walk' up onto the couch so gracefully.
The winter season in Washington DC was very mild and we didn't have a lot of snow. Rob was able to take Murphy out into the field and play fetch w/ him for the first time at the beginning of Feburary. He started out by making Murphy sit while he threw the dummy out. Then he would give Murph the command to "Fetch it up!" Doing it this way ensured that Murphy wouldn't "cut" while running and possibly twist his knees.
By the time our first snowfall of the season came on Feburary 25th, both Murphy's knees were strong. We all went out and enjoyed his first snowfall by making snowballs and snowmen. Murphy was a riot running around, barking, jumping, and carrying on. By the end of March not only was he back to playing fetch on a daily basis, he was running faster, and playing longer than he EVER did before his surgeries.
Now, one year later, the only hint that he ever had surgery is the bowing of his right leg when he walks. We still think that it was put back together crooked but what can we do? We don't want to have it fixed because it doesn't seem to bother him. He tears around the yard chasing his cousin and hurdles the bushes to chase the little yap-yap dogs up and down the fence next door. He has yet to limp once since either of his surgeries, and never seems to tire out.
He still sits with one leg kicked out, and now walks bow-legged. The only thing that probably bothers him is our nicknames of "Kickstand" and "Crooked-leg". All things considered, we are happy with the outcome of the surgeries. Getting to see how happy he is playing fetch pain fee is worth every penny we spent.
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