November 1, 2006

Left Knee - Days 10 & 11

November 1st, 2006

We didn't pass out candy to the kids on base for Halloween this year. We didn't want the doorbell to ring a million times. It would only cause Murphy to bark and try and get up and down, up and down. One of these years we're going to dress him up and pass out candy to mass amounts of children.

We have resumed Murphy's therapy in preparation for his visit to the Physical Therapists office on Monday. He is walking between 7-10 minutes twice daily. He is still walking with more of a limp than he did last time, but we expect that it will get better with time. Good news on his right leg, it no longer looks as if it is bowed. He hasn't bothered his stiches anymore either.

So far so good! Rob and I are getting anxious to have Murphy back in our daily routine, and we can't wait for him to hog all of the leg room in our bed again.