We moved the baby gate to the bottom of the stairs this past weekend. It took Murphy a while to get up and explore his additional space. He will occasionally follow us to the bottom of the stairs, and look up at us pathetically. We make sure to tell him exactly how many days he has left until he the Dr. tells him that it is okay for him to climb the stairs. "Only 3 days left!"

He hasn't put it together that he can actually go to the door to greet people again. The "Man in the Big Brown Truck" has been busy delivering our Christmas presents, but all Murphy has done is stand up on his bed and make his presence known.
He back to his normal self. He helps Rob in the garage when given the opportunity, and has been out in the front yard to potty a few times without his leash. He has even taken time out of his busy walks to stop and greet people across the courtyard with his lovely mow hawk and deep throated barks.
We've been chuckling and saying, "Yep, he's back to his old self!"